In challenge, growth…Our first blog!

There are 7 billion people on planet Earth. Everyone have their common human nature, but it´s said that every personality is a world … What is clear is that the human being is a mystery and there are thousands of facets surrounding this chaotic specimen. 
In this blog, we will cover several areas of our existence. Finally, the disorder will be align, we will clarify the mess, the vortex of our lives….
We will try to explain different aspects of the human Psichology such us: different behaviors, body language, astral travels, couple psychology, human stereotypes, individual behaviors in a group or traumatic shocks.

To introduce us, our names are Beny Michelle, Javier García and Laura Aguilar. We study third of Journalism at Francisco de Vitoria´s University. It is our first blog, and we are very excited about it! For us, it´s a challenge because we are inexperienced in this area, but as we say….in challenge, growth!

We hope you enjoy reading us.

 You are welcome to ask if any doubts and share your experiences.

Here comes … Clarifying Chaos!!Imagen
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