People say the eyes are the mirror of the soul. But really the eyes are, and so the rest of our body. The man believes he is the master of one of the oldest arts , the lie , but… how far is that true ? I will be lying if I say that this information will make you control your body language, but if you arent seeing me … will you really notice it ? Here we go …


From childhood we are taught that lying is wrong , is inappropriate. However, all (yes , reader ( s ) , you too ) come to this resort ever … what we they dont teach us is that if we have to do it, how can we get it right ?



Body language is the one that is transmitted through gestures , attitudes , postures … is basic in human communication . However, our ally nonverbal can be against us . Some of the clues to discover the deception in our partner are as simple as repeating the question , or as Allan Pease explains in his book » Body language » , expressions of emotion , exaggerated movements of the hands and eyes wide open since they are small are clear indications that he is lying.


Sometimes the lie bites us in the mouth , is scientifically proven , Phillippe Turchet , in the book » The Language of Love,» described as scratching the corners of the lips or the tip of the nose is closely related to the lie.


Lower voice and swallow, a clear withdrawal relief , unnecessarily justified , sudden sweats … CARE ! A lie smell out .


So , readers, I invite you to be always sincere , or at least be tested … there are no white collar liars .


I invite you to share with us some lies that you have caught , perhaps some evidence of a hoax you’ve caught from another person or simply wich has been your most absurd lie/excuse!


Here you have a video of the body language expert Jan Hargrave


AND REMEMBER! Non-verbal language can be very useful in many aspects of your life, clarify your intentions and transmit to your body!





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  1. Such an interesting field..! It is great to know that there are some ways to detect certain signs of lies through body language and gestures…. However, there may also be people who could perfectly control them, like professionals..! By the way, I have just remembered this TV series, («Lie To Me», 2009-2011) that was basically about a character (great actor Tim Roth) who was an expert at this discipline of discovering lies in tics, involuntary gestures and movements… Take a look at it! 😉

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