As we saw a few weeks ago , one of the greatest treasures of the people is to have good self-esteem. On the contrary one of the worst evils that man can suffer is to perceive itself very weak, for example thinking that  you cant doing something.

It happens that a person who is perceived weak , insecure, low confidence or end stone throwing themselves in the foot . These people who feels insecure or low, it will make the persona very small. Those person they are used to not speak and avoid reaching for relationships.

If you have given the hint by these adjectives have no choice: you have to spend all your time to invest energy. For this, a good strategy that we usually use is remember everything positive you have done. The key is to cultivate inner conviction that you can .

It is very common for people who feel unsafe are displayed shrunken or face reflects fear or shyness . Therefore, we have to show how you’re sure of yourself , take the initiative and make decisions instead of staying idle . In conclusion, from here you say : » If you believe , you create .» If you think you can achieve something what someone else can achieve , surely you will be fully capable of doing . The important thing is that you start to believe in yourself to propel with mood and energy.

Is fine to remember these tips to be more confident with ourselves because in a time when we have so much stress and burdens we need many tomes remind us tricks someone to believe in ourselves.

Dont forget that these information that we told you  we explain  from our own experiences. We believe that this way tell  is a good way to empathize with you and understand you better so.

Javier García

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  1. I agree, it is essential to have good self-esteem, not only in order to achieve our goals, but also to have a happier and satisfying existence. Regarding this concept, lots of things are being said and written, but I´d like to rise a question: Are we nowadays getting so obsessed with self-esteem that we even become overconfident sometimes…?

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