Nothing but… LOVE

Man is a social being. Since we are on Earth we are organized in communities to survive, without the others, we could not develop ourselfes. The strongest point in its development is when it is beyond the interest, when appears something that nowadays seems that is apparently lost, something call LOVE.

To cover this complex topic , I think it’s important to start with a distinction in our emotional environment :



– On the one hand , we have the feeling. The feeling is involuntary , is in me without having been created by myself , we simply suffer it (in the best and worst sense) . I must be clear that I am not guilty of my own feelings.

They have a giant power over us, and how we feel greatly is conditioned by our own biography. Therefore, the feel of each of us depends on each person, everyone feels his way. We speak of an involuntary affection, and BEWARE , guilt «unfounded» can appear and we must learn to control it.




– The next step are the emotions . I am not talking about a momentary emotion , but an emotional state . The emotion includes feelings, but goes further. It also has the desire , which is something that I put as an active part of the process, involves judgments and reasoning.




– And, finally, we find affection , which is above all this . There are some external and some internal aspects: what we dont create , which is a necessary outside part, and from that, we decide whether or not it affects us . To things we can not decide whether or not affect us , I decide if I let myself be consume by that affection.




So , what is love?

Love is NOT a feeling, although they are generated by it. Love goes beyond, is what makes human be just that, a human. Love is the way you have to get your higher end goal : happiness. It gives meaning .

Despite several types of love exists (which we'll discuss them in another post ) , we will focus on romantic love .



Many times we are wrong when we say that love is what we have with (or for) someone else. To be real, love must be received by that person . So never speak of unrequited love , but love frustrated desires that fail to be.

Although love has been reduced by many to a chemical – physical scientific reaction, we can not reduce it to only that. It certainly is a big part , of course, but the duality of the human being (body and soul) shows us that goes far beyond .



What is love for you ? Have you ever been in love ? Share your opinions and experiences, Clarifying Chaos is an open network to expression and opinion of all .

Remember , we are not professionals in psychological matters , but as people, we can talk about what makes us human.





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Una respuesta a Nothing but… LOVE

  1. Good, Beny, I see you are not afraid of covering some of the most complex universal topics affecting us…! And you do it trying to make things clear and objective, while at the same time you leave that space for us to reflect, thinking of our own experiences… 🙂

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