

Many people are discriminated a lot of times because of the based on race, sex, sexual orientation, disability or diseases like AIDS or mental disorders. For discrimination to occur, therefore, need to see the person discriminated against as part of a group or collective that feels the rejection.

The basic or de main point of discrimination is almost always found in stereotypes, which are beliefs, ideas and positive or negative feelings towards certain people belonging to a particular group. Has anyone ever thought of not doing something because they what can think the others?

(This video represents very well the stereotypes of humans.)

When a negative evaluation of a group is made according to the stereotype, the result is prejudice. When prejudices lead a person to act in a certain way with respect to the group or individual prejudged the result is discrimination (for example, prevent anyone black or gypsy into a local set).

These concepts are handling theoretically have their practical reflection, for instance, in most traditional tales. For example in Cinderella,  Blancanieves well as more current (The Lion King).
In them, the female characters are housewives, characters waiting for their prince, passive, submissive, compared to male characters who have an active role, are princes, adventurers who favorably resolve the situation lattice in these stories.


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Una respuesta a Stereotypes

  1. Very interesting post! Sadly, I think no one is free of prejudice, to some extent, even in an unconscious manner. And this post really challenges us to re-think all the wrong assumptions we sometimes have regarding different people or social groups, as for sure we may have a lot to learn from them…! Also, sometimes it is difficult to avoid stereotyping, as it´s something cultural, not exactly a personal choice… But we definitely must learn to overcome stereotypes, specially those negative and discriminatory ones.

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