Archivo del Autor: clarifyingchaos

My experience as a blogger

BY LAURA AGUILAR Hi everybody!! What a wonderful experience has been being a blogger for almost 4 months. Sadly, I have to say that this is my last post until my teacher evaluates our blog project. But this doesn´t mean … Seguir leyendo

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Exams period – What may I do?

BY LAURA AGUILAR Our Chritsmas holidays are almost ending. That means starting  classes again and what´s worst….EXAMS! In more or less two weeks our exam period is going to start. In a hurry, we start compailing our notes, asking others … Seguir leyendo

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Same fact, different views. Talking about death

Death is the most solid certainty that humans have. At least, gives us some concern . This is a topic that raises many questions : What is life ? Is there something after death? These are questions we can not … Seguir leyendo

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BY JAVIER GARCÍA Many people are discriminated a lot of times because of the based on race, sex, sexual orientation, disability or diseases like AIDS or mental disorders. For discrimination to occur, therefore, need to see the person discriminated against … Seguir leyendo

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BY LAURA AGUILAR It´s a  fact that many of us ask ourselves why we dream, the meaning of our dreams and also if our dreams can predict the future . First let´s describe what´s a dream. Dreams are series of images, … Seguir leyendo

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Nothing but… LOVE

Man is a social being. Since we are on Earth we are organized in communities to survive, without the others, we could not develop ourselfes. The strongest point in its development is when it is beyond the interest, when appears … Seguir leyendo

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What´s a deja vu?

BY LAURA AGUILAR Everyone has experimented a deja vu at list once in their lifes. I´m sure you´ve felt this kind of sensation that you feel as if you have lived that moment in the past. I´ve questioned myself why … Seguir leyendo

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As we saw a few weeks ago , one of the greatest treasures of the people is to have good self-esteem. On the contrary one of the worst evils that man can suffer is to perceive itself very weak, for … Seguir leyendo

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«The diet revolution»

BY LAURA AGUILAR “No, I can´t eat bread”, “I want pasta without sauce”, “I don´t snack between meals”, “I’ll only have a salad or some fruit for dinner”……I would not be able to say how many times I´ve heard this sentences in the last 2 months, but I assure you … Seguir leyendo

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Depends on you feel good

Today we are going to explain a topic that is very significant to  development human:         “ The self-esteem ”. We´ll discuss some tricks that we have to keep in mind to put into practice and feel … Seguir leyendo

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